How do payments work on Jobster (transaction flow)?
Once a buyer makes a payment money goes into admin’s account (depending on the payment choice: PayPal, Stripe, etc.), and the system creates a transaction.
Buyer and seller are given access to a private transaction page where they can communicate details of the order.
Once a seller delivers the files, and marks the transaction as “delivered”, buyer is given several days (number of days can be configured in the admin settings) to either accept the delivery, request modification, or even request mutual cancellation of the order (if a buyer fails to respond in the given time period, the system would auto-complete the transaction).
Once a buyer accepts the order (marks it as “accepted”), the transaction goes into clearing period, which by default is 14 days (the number of days can be configured in admin settings and even disabled if value is set to “0”).
Clearing period is a security measure to protect admin/owner from chargebacks. As soon as the clearing period is over, the money is deposited into seller’s account in a form of credit balance.
Seller is then able to request withdrawal of those funds based on the accepted withdrawal options set by the admin. Processing PayPal withdrawals is a two-clicks process (semi-automated). Just mark the withdrawals you would like processed, click “process” button, and the system will send PayPal payments to everyone on the selected list. All the other withdrawal options should be manually processed by administrator, and then marked as "processed" in the withdrawal section.