How to add a new Social Field in Settings

Example of how to create a new field for Youtube.

You can go to Admin > Pages > Settings page and select the Social Media tab, here you copy one of the shortcodes and then you change the name of the copied shortcode with the one you need (Youtube), the shortcode should look something like this:

[input name=social_media_youtube labeled=yes label_alignment=left label_content=https:// with_icon=yes icon_class="inverted circular youtube"]

Then add the following code in your functions.php file from the active theme, we recommend having the child theme active and not the main theme.

add_filter( 'user_social_media_providers_filter', function( $provider ) {
        $provider['youtube'] = array( 'name' => __( 'Youtube', 'wpjobster' ),       'icon' => 'youtube' );
        return $provider;