[job_fields] - displays the fields for posting a new job
field_type (string) The type of field to be displayed. The accepted values for this field are given by the method names of the WPJJobsNewEditFieldsContent class (includes/classes/class-post-new-edit-job-fields.php)
placeholder (string) Placeholder for the current field
required (bool) Determine if filling in the field is mandatory
include_label (bool) Determines whether the field label is displayed
instructions (string) Instructions for the current field
[request_fields] - displays the fields for posting a new request
field_type (string) The type of field to be displayed. The accepted values for this field are given by the method names of the WPJRequestsNewEditFieldsContent class (includes/classes/class-post-new-edit-request-fields.php)
placeholder (string) Placeholder for the current field
instructions (string) Instructions for the current field
[user_fields] - displays the fields for user profile
field_type (string) The type of field to be displayed. The accepted values for this field are given by the method names of the WPJUserProfileFieldsContent class, except for the display_field_content method (includes/classes/class-user-profile-fields.php)
section (string) The layout you want the field to have, depending on the section from which it is displayed. Values white_sidebar/transparent_sidebar/main_content
[job_custom_field] - used to display the content of job custom fields. More info here
[request_custom_field] - used to display the content of request custom fields. More info here
[user_custom_field] - used to display the content of user custom fields. More info here