Bank Transfer Gateway

This article aims to explain how to set up bank transfer payments, and how to process orders paid using this method.

1. Setup your details on the Jobster Settings > Payment Gateways > Bank Transfer

2. Once your user orders a job using Bank Transfer, they will be presented with the bank transfer details you added on the previous step. The order will have a "pending payment" status at this point.

3. As an admin, as soon as you receive the wire payment from the buyer, you can mark the order as paid from Admin > Orders > Job Purchase > Pending > Actions using the checkmark icon. There is no automatic integration, you need to check your bank account and confirm it manually.

4. From this point, everything flows normally as for the other payment methods. The seller will receive the notification about the new order and will be able to start working on it.

For more details about the jobster transaction flow, please check the following article: