How to customize the message content from phone verification?

If you want to customize the message content from phone verification please proceed as indicated below:

Go to cPanel/ FTP > File Manager > public_html > wp-content > themes > wpjobster-child > edit 'functions.php' and add below mentioned code > Save changes

add_filter( 'wpj_phone_verification_key_message_filter', function( $code = '' ) {
    $custom_code = 'Insert you custom message before verification code';
    $custom_code .= $code;
    $custom_code .= 'Insert you custom message after verification code'; 
    return $custom_code;
}, 10, 1);

On the first line, between comas, you can add your customized text. 

On the second line, the code will be automatically generated by the system.

On the third line, you can also customize the text in between comas.