How to configure taxes?
If you want to configure fees and taxes, please proceed as follows:
Go to Jobster Settings > Pricing Settings > Fees and every field will be explained below
The taxes admin requires from his site’ sellers when they sell a job:
Site Fee: the admin can choose between Flexible, Percent, Fixed or if he wants site fees disabled.
1. If Flexible option has been chosen, please fill the options from Flexible Fees depending on every seller’s level.
1.1 Fee over 0: Base fee: the percent that will be taken from a job that has the value smaller than the first value wrote on 1.2. Fee Over (the value you set).
1.2 Fee Over (x value you set): the percent you charge for a job that has the value equal or higher than x.
1.3 Fee Over (y value you set): the percent you charge for a job that has the value equal or higher than y.
1.4 Fee Over (z value you set): the percent you charge for a job that has the value equal or higher than z.
You can add as many fee levels as you want.
After you have set the values click on the ‘Save changes' button.
2. If Fixed option has been chosen, complete the field ‘Fixed Fee’. This fee will be charged from each seller independently of job’s value. > Save changes
3. If Percent option has been chosen, complete the field ‘Percent Fee’. This percent will be charged for each seller depending on of job’s value > Save changes
4. If Disabled option has been chosen, you do not have to complete any fields. No fees will be charged from the seller > Save options.
The taxes the admin requires from buyers when they purchase a job:
Processing Fee: a processing fee that will be charged from the buyer. Can either be Percent or Fixed.
If Fixed: please complete ‘Fixed Processing Fee Amount’ field. This fee will be charged independently of job’s value.
If Percent: please complete ‘Processing Fee Percent’ field. This percent will be charged depending on job’s value.
Includes processing fee in refund: if you want the fee value to be returned if the job was cancelled, set this option on ‘yes’. If not, and you want to refund only the price of the job, without fees, set to 'No' > Save options.
Tax: If besides processing fees you want to charge the buyer with a tax, you can also enable it. The value of the tax can be charged only in form of percentage. If not, set it to ‘no’.
Percent tax: if tax was enabled, you will need to complete the percent of it here.
Apply Tax Over Processing Fee: if enabled, the tax applies to the entire price of the job, including processing fees. If it is set on ‘no’, the tax applies to the price of the job only, the processing fees will not be included.
Includes tax in refund: if you want the tax value to be returned if the job was cancelled, set this option on ‘yes’. If not, and you want to refund only the price of the job, without fees, set to 'No'
Tax for country: you can tax one or multiple countries (when one tax for country field has been filled, the ‘save changes’ button has been clicked, another field will appear as shown below.
Note for 'Tax for country': This setting overwrites the tax percent wrote above only if the user has filled his personal data / country on his profile > Settings > Address > Country > Save Changes.
If the buyer hasn’t the address completed, the tax for country will not be applied. Only the tax percent set above.