1. WordPress Installation

WordPress Installation 

The installation process is just as easy as for any other regular WordPress theme.

Please follow the steps outlined below:

1. Download the latest WordPress version > go to cPanel/ FTP > File Manager > public_html 

> Upload 'Wordpress' 

> go back to public_html and ‘reload’ the folder so WordPress zip will appear. 

> Press on the right click on ‘wordpress.zip’ and select 'Extract'

> Extract File(s)

> open the ‘Wordpress’ folder and follow the steps from below picture

> delete wordpress.zip and the empty wordpress folder

Create a Database

Go back to main cPanel > MySQL Databases 

1.1 Create New Database > Add a name > Create database

The following message will appear > Click ‘Go Back’

1.2 My SQL Users
Add New User
Proceed as shown in the picture (be careful to remember the details set to Database and Database User as they will be requested at the installation)
The message with ‘You have successfully created a user’ will appear > click on ‘Go Back’

1.3 Add User to Database

You will get redirected to the following page, proceed as shown on bellow’s image

After all the steps from cPanel have been finalized, we can go to our site ( http://cristina.wpjobster.net/ in my case)

Set the default language >  Add credentials set on My SQL > 

> Install WordPress 

And the following message will appear