Account Segregation

Account Segregation is an extension that divides the theme into 2 types of users.

The plugin comes along with Entrepreneur Licenses. For the other licenses, it has to be purchased from here.

How to install/ activate the plugin?

After purchasing and downloading it, go to:

Dashboard > Plugins > Add new > Upload Plugin, choose the > Install Now > Activate plugin 

Go to Jobster Settings > Extensions > Account Segregation > License > Note the license key > Save

The moment Account Segregation is activated, the theme will take into consideration the settings from it.

Where will the settings be done?

Go to Jobster Settings > Extensions > Account Segregation and all the fields will be explained below. 

1. General Settings

1.1. Auto approve seller:
- ON - the admin doesn’t have to manually approve each seller
- OFF - the admin has to approve each seller manually by going to Users > User to be approved > Edit > Actions section > Pending seller > Approve or Reject

1.2. Default user type: the admin can choose if registered users will be set by default buyers or sellers.

1.3. Hide menu entries for buyers:
- If set on yes, it hides Post New Job/ Sales, Subscriptions and other menus only for sellers
- If set on no, the menus for sellers can be seen and used also by the buyers.
1.4. Include buyers in search results:
- If it is set on ‘Yes’, when searching users, the buyers will also be displayed
- If it is set on ‘No’, when searching, only sellers will be displayed. 
1.5. Add user type feature to Subscriptions: this option can be enabled only if 2.1 is set on Hide. 
This option will allow user type to be added to Subscriptions as follows:

2. Registration Settings

2.1. Buyer/seller options on registration:

- If this option is set on ‘Show’, when a user registers gets to choose if he is a buyer or a seller as in below image.

- If the option is set on ‘Hide’ the above presented field will not appear. 

2.2. User type mandatory on registration: 
- If it is set on ‘Yes’ the user that wants to register has to choose whether is a buyer or a seller to finalize his registration. If he doesn’t choose one of the options, he cannot register.
- If it is set on ‘No’ the user can register without choosing if he is a buyer or a seller.
2.3. Add users to the newsletter list when they register: 
- If it is set on yes, depending on what they choose when they register, either buyer or seller, every user will be assigned to its newsletter. 
- If it is set on ‘No’, they will be added to the newsletter for both categories. 

3. Seller Verification Settings

If you want to check every seller, please have ‘Enable seller verification’ set to ‘ON’ and enable one or multiple forms of verification > Save Changes.
3.1. Enable CV Verification: the CV of the person trying to register.

3.2. Enable Utility Bill Verification: presenting payment for any kind of bill.

3.3. Enable National ID Verification: using National ID as a form of proving your identity.

3.4. Enable Company Registration Document Verification: documents related to the company you are trying to register.
3.5. Enable LinkedIn Verification: using the LinkedIn profile as a form of proving that the account is real.

4. Redirect Settings  

4.1. Seller register redirection: to which page will the sellers be redirected after registering.
4.2. Buyer register redirection: to which page will the buyers be redirected after registering.
4.3. Logged-in homepage for seller: to which page will be redirected the seller after logging in.
4.4. Logged-in homepage for pending seller: where will a user be redirected meanwhile he waits for his request to be a seller to be accepted. 
4.5. Logged-in homepage for buyers: to which page will be redirected the buyer after logging in. 
After these settings have been made > Save Changes.

5. Tools

5.1 Users who already have jobs: will be by default sellers.

5.2 & 5.3. Users with empty user type: you can choose if you want them to be buyers or sellers.

5..4 Users who are not on a newsletter list: will be by default buyer/seller.


1. Will I be able to ask a potential seller for their CV? (I am assuming that if they are buyers, then they will not be asked for their CV)

R. Yes, indeed. The verification methods from Account Segregation are only for the ones that want to become a seller.

2. How will they send the CV? Attached doc or email?

R. Every user that tries to become a seller will be redirected to Account Verification page. There is where they upload their CV’s.

After the user has submitted their CV, the admin has to approve or reject every request manually
3. I don't understand 'LinkedIn Client ID'. Is that my personal LinkedIn Client ID? If yes, why do you need that? Can you explain what 'LinkedIn Client Secret' is and why it's needed?
R: Regarding the LinkedIn questions, is as with the CV’s submission. On the page ‘Account Verification’ they will login with their LinkedIn profile, so they confirm they are real users. 
After they confirm, you will also have to go back to Users > Select user > Edit and approve or reject their request.
4. It says 'Requires CV or LinkedIn'. Is 'LinkedIn' here meaning that the potential sellers could share their LinkedIn profile page? Or does it mean something else?

R: The verification with LinkedIn is made by the site in itself. If you have it enabled, once someone tries to register on your page (or the existing buyers want to become sellers), they will be required to verify the authenticity through their LinkedIn profile. It will not be public.

5.  Is that MY LinkedIn ID and Secret? Or is that the sellers details?
R: You can create an app here as it has been indicated on the tutorial regarding WordPress Social Login so you do not need the paid version of it.

But if you have only the option 'Require LinkedIn' enabled the users can become sellers only if they have a LinkedIn account.

6. We don't receive notifications when a new user registered in the site. Others work well. The notifications are active for sms and email. What can we do?

R. When using the "Account Segregation" plugin, you have some other mail/SMS settings available.

Please find those settings on Admin > Notifications > Account Segregation > here are the emails/SMSs, where you find "(Admin)" it means that the email/SMS is for admin.
You will find there, notifications for new buyer registration, and new seller approval/rejection.