How to cancel a job?
There are many ways to cancel a job, here we will present each one of them:
If the job was declined the following message will appear.
2. If the job was nor accepted, nor declined within 24h, it will be auto-canceled, the buyer will be refunded and the system will automatically give negative feedback to the seller.
3. Request mutual cancellation
And the following message will appear, with the possibility to send a message to the other part, and confirm after that.
The following message will appear where you can expose the problem to site’s admin.
After submitting the request, the admin has to go to Orders > Resolution Center and decide in whose favour he closes the arbitration request.
5. The admin can also cancel an order by going to Orders and Force close order as presented below and the seller will receive a notification of it.
6. If a payment hasn’t been finalized, the order will be auto-closed after X days (depending on what admin has set on Jobster > General Settings > Main Settings > Job and transaction flow > Auto-close pending payment after: X days)
7. If you have an on-going order and one of the users get banned (either temporarily or permanent) by the admin, that order will be automatically cancelled.