Featured jobs
Featured jobs
Is the process of highlighting a job in a certain section/ category, within a limited period of time, in exchange of an amount of money.
The featured jobs can be framed in 3 chains:
- Homepage featured jobs
- Category featured jobs
- Subcategory featured jobs
From where do we do the settings for featured jobs?
Go to Jobster Settings > Payment Type > Featured
Click on the Featured tab:
Enable featured jobs: allow featured job option to appear on the jobs.
> Save Options
How do we feature jobs?
Go to your profile
> Jobs
> My jobs
All jobs will have 4 buttons as follows:
> Choose Feature
> After paying, the following message will appear
This is how it will look a featured job among others:
1. Which featured job wins the first position and visibility?
As you will see when activating the featured jobs, you will set a maximum number of jobs to be featured on each page (homepage, category, subcategory). They will all have the same visibility and will be displayed on the same column, but the first one of the column of featured jobs will be the job that was last created/ last added on the page.