Brizy doesn't work on my server. What can I do?


Try replacing the login/register links from all your WordPress Menus with “#” and see if that helps. In Jobster, there are 2 links to /wp-login.php in C2 Footer Menu.

Full article

There is an issue on some servers (from some hosting providers like HostGator) where the pages that are made with Brizy would take over one minute to load.
We discovered that this happens only while having links to /wp-login.php in your WordPress menus, even if they're not being displayed on the site.

This doesn't mean that there is anything wrong with the mentioned hosting providers, it is just an unfortunate incompatibility between the hosting configuration, Brizy and those login/register menu links.

Until we have an official fix for this issue from Brizy, or we find the necessary tweak into the server configuration, a quick fix is to replace the link anchors with "#". They will still work as long as they have the "login-link" and "register-link" classes, which trigger the login and register popups. The only drawback is that there won't be any fallback in case the user tries to open the link in a new tab, or if user's JavaScript is disabled.

Jobster Theme only has two of those links by default, added in C2 Footer Menu. If you added login links in other menus, you should remove or replace their anchors with "#" as well. Another quick fix is to just remove those links from your menus if you don't need them at all.

If this doesn't work, and Brizy also doesn't work on a clean WordPress install either, then you should consider trying a different hosting provider.