Seller Notifications

You need to have Account Segregation purchased and installed on your website in order for the Seller Notifications extension to function properly.

Offer your sellers to subscribe to email (or sms) notifications for new service requests published within the categories of their interest and expertise, as well as within certain location.

It is a plugin that comes along only with Entrepreneur License, for the other license types it has to be purchased.

How to install/activate the plugin?

After purchasing and downloading it, please go to:

Dashboard > Plugins > Add new > Upload Plugin, choose the > Install Now > Activate plugin

How to activate Seller Notifications?

1. Go to Jobster Settings > Extensions > Seller Notifications> Scroll down to 'License' > Note the license key > Save Changes.

2. After that, press the 'Activate' button and make sure your license is showing as active.

3. For Location Settings, go to Jobster Settings > Extensions > Seller Notifications

Where do I find the page?

Go to User dropdown menu > Requests > Requests Notifications